
New Jersey Defense Association’s ADR Seminar

Partner Joel B. Rosen is a speaker for the New Jersey Defense Association's ADR Seminar on "Issues and Approaches to Mediation." Visit for more information. May 22, 2014 at 6:00 PM – May 23, 2014 at 8:00 PM The Mansion3000 Main StreetVoorhees, NJ

Legal, Compliance and PR Strategies Around Campus Sexual Assault Issues Webinar

The problem of sexual assault on college campuses recently has been drawing more intense scrutiny from government officials, survivors' advocates, student organizations, and the media.  Regardless of whether your university has been caught up in this yet, one thing is for certain: the issue isn't going away any time soon. As colleges and universities plan […]

Pennsylvania Bar 12th Annual Nonprofit Institute

Joseph O'Neil, Jr. will be a presenter at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's 12th Annual Nonprofit Institute.  He will discuss "Bankruptcy and Nonprofit Organizations.” May 28, 2014 at 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CLE Conference CenterPhiladelphia, PA

PASE’s 2014 College Forum and Fair

PASE invites university and college admissions staff to meet New York area community-based organizations, which have college prep programs, at their 2014 College Forum and Fair. PASE accomplishes its mission by building the capacity of individual afterschool staff, youth-serving organizations, and the field as a whole, all with the goal of increasing the availability of […]

Giving USA Annual Report Presentation

Join Montgomery McCracken and Evans Consulting Group for a breakfast and seminar analyzing the results of the Giving USA Annual Report. Karl Emerson will provide the opening remarks. Click here to view full invitation and to register. June 17, 2014 at 7:30 AM – 10:00 AM 123 South Broad St.Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaUnited States

Northeast Corporate Counsel Forum 2014

Partner Joel B. Rosen is a panelist for the "Settlement Techniques" section of the Northeast Corporate Counsel Forum. The group will discuss pre-litigation techniques, use of motion practice & discovery to foster settlement, use of mediators, properly documenting a settlement, the benefit of using a focus group. Visit for more information. June 24, 2014 at 9:00 AM […]

International Association of Defense Counsel Annual Meeting

Partner Christopher Scott D’Angelo is serving as the moderator and a speaker on the program "Power Over Me? Personal Jurisdiction, Forum Non Conveniens and Choice of Law Issues That Arise in International Business Disputes," at the 94th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC) in Vienna, Austria, taking place July 5-10, 2014.   The program, […]

Montgomery McCracken’s Higher Education Law Practice Group Presents “What Should We Be Doing Now?”

This timely forum will cover training approaches and alternatives related to sexual assault prevention, bystander intervention, and staffing, education and training for investigators and decision makers in the complaint process.   Agenda is listed below. Introduction John Myers, Montgomery McCracken Training Adjudicators of Student Sexual Misconduct Charges Ann Franke, Wise Results  Training Students on Campus Conduct and Responsibilities including"bystander," […]

eDiscovery Cost-Shifting & Taxation of Costs

Partner John G. Papianou will serve as a panelist for CDS's seminar on eDiscovery Cost-Shifting & Taxation of Costs.The panelists will give a critical examination of the current status of the law with regards to cost-shifting and taxation in the context of eDiscovery. Participants will explore the "American Rule" and how FRCP 26(b)(2)(B) creates an "undue burden […]

2014 Philadelphia Fiduciary Summit

Partners Greg Fox and Tim Kennedy will be presenters at the 2014 Philadelphia Fiduciary Summit. Industry professionals will discuss fiduciary issues impacting plan sponsors. Greg Fox and Tim Kennedy will present a 401(k) Legislative/Fiduciary Update. The summit is an educational workshop for CFOs, HR directors, business owners, and fiduciaries to discuss retirement plan best practices and strategies. […]

International Maritime Law Seminar 2014

The half day seminar "Recent Developments in Maritime Law: A Multi-Jurisdictional Perspective"  will feature fifteen speakers from fourteen countries.Partner Eugene O'Connor will discuss "There's a New Sherriff in Town: The US EPA Steps Up Enforcement of Sulphur Emissions Regulations." October 16, 2014 at 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Gibsons HallLondon

Pro Bono Opportunities Day: Navigating Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Service

Montgomery McCracken is pleased to host Philadelphia VIP's Pro Bono Opportunities Day: Navigating Ethical Issues in Pro Bono Service, as part of National Pro Bono Week, on Tuesday, October 21 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. in our Philadelphia office. The forum will navigate the ethics of pro bono work and the impact it has on […]

EU-US Trade Agreement Negotiations: Truths & Myths

Associate Ralf D. Wiedemannwill be a panelist at "EU-US Trade Agreement Negotiations: Truths & Myth." The European Union and United States are currently negotiating what could be the largest trade agreement in world history. A Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will affect businesses both large and small, and could potentially lead to an increase […]

18th Annual National Institute on Class Actions

Partner Chuck Casper will be a speaker at the 18th Annual National Institute on Class Actions. He will present "Never a Day Off." Understanding and Managing Economic Risks for Lawyers on Both Sides of the "v."' Attendees will learn the following critical things about today's class-action practice: Invaluable, real, and practical information about the most […]

Money Market Fund Reform: What You Need to Know

Attorney Terrance Reilly is a course planner for "Money Market Fund Reform: What You Need to Know."  The lunchtime CLE program will feature speaker Joan Ohlbaum Swirsky, Esq. from Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young. She will explain how the added obligations of the new money market fund rule amendments, adopted by the U.S. Securities and […]

International Corporate Counsel College

Partner Christopher S.D’Angelo will a speak on information governance during the International Corporate Counsel College. Information governance is the new, critical corporate discipline and obligation affecting businesses. It can impose potential liabilities on businesses and their boards and officers. D'Angelo is also on the advisory board of the Counsel College. November 13, 2014 at 12:00 PM – […]

Marine Pollution USA

Partner Tim Bergère will be a speaker at the Marine Pollution USA seminar presented by Lloyd's Maritime Academy. He will provide a regulatory overview on understanding the marine pollution regulations. The seminar will outline marine pollution compliance, best practice claims management and effective emergency response. Visit for more information. November 17, 2014 at 9:00 AM – […]

24th Annual This Year in Nonprofit Law

Nonprofit Issues® and Montgomery McCracken will present the 24th annual "This Year in Nonprofit Law." The seminar will bring you up to date with the most important legal issues affecting nonprofits in the last year. The program will provide 5 hours of continuing legal education credit for lawyers in Pennsylvania and 5 hours of continuing professional […]

AICPA’s Sophisticated Tax Planning for Your Wealthy Clients

Partner Howard Vigderman will present "Fiduciary Income Tax Returns" at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant's Sophisticated Tax Planning for Your Wealthy Clients conference. With the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT), Affordable Care Act and Tangible Property Repair Regulations in full effect, time is of the essence in […]

In-House Counsel and Attorney-Client Privilege

Partner Michael B. Hayes will be a presenter for "In-House Counsel and Attorney-Client Privilege" presented by Strafford Publications, Inc. This CLE webinar will prepare in-house counsel to minimize potential damage to the corporation during business communications, depositions and litigation through proper exercise of the attorney-client privilege to protect confidential information. The in-house attorney's dual role as legal […]

Sooner Sports Medicine Symposium

Partner Steven Pachman will present "Concussions and the Law" to physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, physician assistants, occupational therapists, and other health care professionals at the Sooner Sports Medicine Symposium in Norman, Oklahoma. For additional information and to purchase tickets, click here.  January 9, 2015 at 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Download Event Attachment

Starting a Nonprofit Organization: The Whys and Hows, Plus Do’s and Don’ts

Social entrepreneurs and other individuals often ask for help in starting a nonprofit organization.  This webinar will discuss many of the most important questions one should ask before proceeding and provide a checklist of legal and practical requirements for getting the organization up and running. Some of the initial questions are:  What do you really […]

TCPA Update: The Year in Review and Trends for 2015 Webinar

Montgomery McCracken's Class Action Defense practice group will present "TCPA Update: The Year in Review and Trends for 2015" webinar on February 26. Hundreds of class action lawsuits have been brought and this has become a serious risk to companies. The webinar is geared toward companies that use text messages, auto-dialers, and prerecorded messages to […]

Protecting Your Charity in Charitable Giving

Don Kramer serves as course planner and Karl Emerson as faculty for Protecting Your Charity in Charitable Giving, part of PBI Nonprofit Series. The program includes: Examining the fundamentals of charitable giving Learning special rules for "quid pro quo" gifts, autos, copyrights, inventories, and other "stuff" Spelling out IRS requirements for acknowledgment and substantiation Reviewing what your […]

2015 Labor and Employment Law Forum

Partner Joel B. Rosen will be a panelist for the 2015 Labor and Employment Law Forum sponsored by the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education. He will discuss employment mediation at the forum. Visit for more information. March 11, 2015 at 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM New Jersey Law CenterOne Constitution SquareNew Brunswick, NJ

Small Games of Chance and Other Fundraising Legal Requirements

Of Counsel Donald W. Kramer, editor of Nonprofit Issues, is scheduled to present at the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations' "Small Games of Chance and Other Fundraising Legal Requirements" seminar taking place on March 18 in Philadelphia, PA. Please click here for additional information. March 18, 2015 at 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Resources for Human Development, […]

Gift Acceptance Policies That Work

Of Counsel Donald W. Kramer, editor of Nonprofit Issues, is scheduled to present a webinar in partnership with the Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations. The webinar will discuss the important issues you should consider in creating a gift acceptance policy, how to allocate responsibility for performing "due diligence" on unusual gifts you are willing to accept, and providing […]

12th National Conference on Class Actions of the Barreau du Québec

Partner Christopher Scott D'Angelo will be a featured speaker at the 12th National Conference on Class Actions: Recent Developments in Quebec, in Canada and the United States. The seminar, hosted by Le Barreau du Quebec (The Quebec Bar Association), is scheduled to take place in Montreal on March 26 - 27. D'Angelo will present "What […]