
Bench-Bar & Annual Conference 2013

Montgomery McCracken partner Michael B. Hayes will be a panelist at the Philadelphia Bar Association's Bench-Bar & Annual Conference 2013. He will discuss "Dealing With Difficult Clients: How To Recognize, Communicate With And Manage Different Types Of Problem Clients." This segment of the conference will be presented by the Young Lawyers Division of the Philadelphia […]

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 25th Anniversary Invitational Golf Tournament

Montgomery McCracken is serving as one of the prime sponsors of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's Greater Delaware Valley Chapter's 25th Anniversary Invitational Golf Tournament for the benefit of people with cystic fibrosis. The firm has been a proud supporter of this event, which raises about $150,000 each year, for 25 years. All proceeds raised go […]

St. Christopher’s Foundation for Children – 10th Annual Apple Fest

Montgomery McCracken is serving as a sponsor of the 10th Annual Apple Fest, being held Wednesday, October 9, from 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. at The Union League of Philadelphia in the newly renovated Lincoln Hall. This fun fall affair will feature selections from The Union League's fall menu, harvest wines and local beer, and […]

23rd Annual Legal Issues in Higher Education Conference

John Myers is a presenter at the 23rd Annual Legal Issues in Higher Education Conference hosted by the University of Vermont. He discussed "Emerging Issues in Social Media: Applicant, Student, and Employee Issues.” October 14, 2013 at 8:00 AM – October 16, 2013 at 2:30 PM University of Vermont, Davis CenterBurlington, Vermont

State Charitable Solicitation Statutes: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask

Montgomery McCracken partners Don Kramer and Karl Emerson will present the "State Charitable Solicitation Statutes: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask" webinar. Charities that seek contributions nationally must typically register in 39 states and the District of Columbia before starting to solicit. Furthermore, for-profit fundraisers are also required to register and file their […]

120th Annual International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference and Law Enforcement Education and Technology Exposition

Montgomery McCracken partner Virginia Sikes is presenting on "How to Create a Police Foundation" at the 120th Annual International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Conference and Law Enforcement Education and Technology Exposition, being held October 19-23 in Philadelphia. Featuring renowned keynote speakers, forums and technical workshops, and the largest exhibit hall of products and services […]

2013 IMPACT Venture Summit

Montgomery McCracken is pleased to serve as a sponsor of the 2013 IMPACT Venture Summit, presented by the Greater Philadelphia Alliance for Capital and Technologies (PACT). To learn more about our Corporate and Securities practice, view the attached brochure.   This year marks the 20th anniversary of the mid-Atlantic region's biggest venture capital conference. IMPACT Venture […]

The Fall Forum for Colleges and Universities

8 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Registration 8:30 a.m. Keynote Presentation: "Off-Campus Response: Damned If We Do, Damned If We Don't" Julie Lyzinski Nettleton, Director for the Office of Alcohol and Other Drug Program Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania The role that off-campus behavior plays in on-campus culture: Why it matters Determining a reasonable university response: a fine […]

The Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of Greater Philadelphia presents The Challenge of Change: Seeking the Silver Lining

Partner Virginia P. Sikes will present "Private Foundation, Donor Advised Fund, or Supporting Organization - You Decide" at The Partnership for Philanthropic Planning of Greater Philadelphia's The Challenge of Change: Seeking the Silver Lining for the master's level. The 2013 Annual One-Day Planned Giving Conference offers masters, intermediate and fundamentals tracks for seasoned gift-planning professionals, […]

23rd Annual This Year in Nonprofit Law

Nonprofit Issues® and Montgomery McCracken will present the 23rd annual "This Year in Nonprofit Law" on Thursday, November 7, 2013. The seminar will bring you up to date with the most important legal issues affecting nonprofits in the last year.  The program will provide 5 hours of continuing legal education credit for lawyers in Pennsylvania […]

6th Annual International Corporate Counsel College

Partner Chris D'Angelo serves as a moderator for the International Corporate Counsel College and is a member of the advisory board. The International Corporate Counsel College brings together in-house counsel and their law firm counterparts for two days of education and discussion on the latest legal issues affecting global companies. The event is modelled on the highly successful IADC Corporate […]

18th Annual Drug and Medical Device Litigation Forum

The American Conference Institute presents the "Drug and Medical Device Litigation" forum that will provide insight on how to: Utilize an innovator liability theory when arguing for generic preemption Successfully remove a putative class case from state to federal court Develop effective strategies for managing unexpected product safety risks and issues arising from efforts to obtain discovery crossing international […]

Summit: Safety in College Football

Partner Steven Pachman is speaking at the Safety in College Football Summit sponsored by the NCAA Sport Science Institute and The College Athletic Trainers Society. The conference will feature NCAA Conference Commissioners, collegiate football principals and other administrators, physicians, athletic trainers, and health care professionals. January 22, 2014 – January 23, 2014 Atlanta, Ga.

What Non-Union Employers Need to Know About the NLRA – And It’s a Lot

Certain employees of nonprofit organizations are protected by the National Labor Relations Act, even if they don't belong to a union. And they don't have to be seeking to establish a union to be covered. This webinar will outline the scope of the NLRA, explain who is covered and who is not, describe the kinds […]

Defending the White Collar Case

Partner Ellen Brotman is serving as course planner and chairman Richard Scheff is participating as faculty for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's "Defending the White Collar Case." The F.B.I. defines white collar crime as "a full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals." These offenses can range from minor benefits fraud to sophisticated Ponzi […]

The State of Concussions: Protecting Athletes Through Advances in Law, Public Health and Science

Partner Steven Pachman is presenting at "The State of Concussions: Protecting Athletes through Advances in Law, Public Health, and Science." The symposium will bring together scholars, practitioners, medical professionals, and legislators, to explore issues related to concussions in sports. March 7, 2014 at 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM University of Maryland - Francis King Carey […]

Spring Training – Revisit, Review and Renew Your Benefit Plans

Join BDO, The Centurion Group and Montgomery McCracken for Employee Benefit Plan spring training. We'll explore new ideas and trends, including reporting responsibilities, compliance and IRS controls, as well as highlight revenue sharing, expense ratios and fee equalization as they pertain to employer sponsored retirement plans. Event Learning Objectives: Identify the reporting deadlines associated with […]

Nonprofit Mergers, Acquisitions and Affiliations

With pressure mounting on nonprofits to consider affiliations with other organizations, this webinar is designed to help you better navigate the world of mergers, acquisitions and affiliations.  Unlike the corporate world, there are no financial "matchmakers" to help nonprofits identify successful partners for a merger. This program will discuss the differences between mergers, acquisitions, affiliations, […]

The Connecticut Maritime Association Presents Shipping 2014

The United States is fast becoming the world's leading producer of energy. Faced with punishing bunker prices and inadequate freight rates, vessel speed is the key delta for capacity growth. Environmental regulations are rapidly changing ship design and operation. Technological solutions are dizzying in number and selection. Successful tapping of capital markets rewards an omnivore's […]

New Jersey Bar Association Presents 2014 Labor and Employment Law Forum

Labor and employment law has seen many changes during the past year. Make plans to attend this popular annual conference to catch up on the latest developments and gain insight into what you can expect during the coming year. Whether you represent employers or employees, you'll gain the most comprehensive information you need to keep […]

Challenges Facing the Food and Beverage Industries in Complex Consumer Litigations

Partner Joel B. Rosen is speaking at the Challenges Facing the Food and Beverage Industries in Complex Consumer Litigations seminar taking place on April 8 . He will participate in a panel discussion "View from the Bench - Where should these issues be decided? By the Judiciary or by the Regulators?" For more information, visit April 8, 2014 at 8:30 […]

American Conference Institute’s National Forum on ERISA Litigation

Partner Jeanne Bakker will be a panelist for the American Conference Institute's 7th National Forum on ERISA Litigation. The panel will present ERISA Fiduciary Litigation: Minimizing Exposure to Fiduciary Liability Through Procedural Prudence and Documentation, New and Emerging Theories of Liability and Defenses, Strategies for Statute of Limitations and Statute of Repose Defenses section. The panel […]

American Conference Institute’s Chemical Products Liability and Environmental Litigation

Partner Jeremy D. Mishkin will moderate a panel discussion on "Working with/Cross-examining Experts in Chemical Exposure Litigation," as part of the 5th annual  American Conference Institute's Chemical Products Liability & Environmental Litigation seminar. Visit for more information. April 28, 2014 at 9:00 AM – April 29, 2014 at 4:00 PM Thompson HotelChicago, Ill.

New Jersey Association for Justice presents Mass Tort

The New Jersey Association for Justice will present a boardwalk seminar series on various legal issues. Partner Joel B. Rosen is a panelist for the "Ethical Issues in Mass Torts" section. Visit for more information. May 1, 2014 at 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Bally's Atlantic CityAtlantic City, NJ

The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce presents “State of the Region: Leaders in Energy”

Montgomery McCracken is a sponsor of The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce's "State of the Region: Leaders in Energy." Greater Philadelphia's proximity to natural gas is creating new economic opportunities for the region and attracting the attention of businesses from around the world. The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, Select Greater Philadelphia and the CEO […]

Starting and Growing a Mediation Practice

Partner Joel B. Rosen will be a speaker in New Jersey Bar Association's Starting and Growing a Mediation Practice. Visit for more information.May 8, 2014 at 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM New Jersey Law CenterNew Brunswick, NJ

9th Annual National School Foundation Association Conference

Of counsel Don Kramer will present Fulfilling Your Mission & Avoiding Legal Pitfalls" at the 9th Annual National School Foundation Association Conference. The session will focus on key legal issues for small, primarily volunteer organizations so that their leaders can avoid major pitfalls and concentrate on fulfilling their mission. Topics include: Understanding the legal structure […]

New Jersey Defense Association’s ADR Seminar

Partner Joel B. Rosen is a speaker for the New Jersey Defense Association's ADR Seminar on "Issues and Approaches to Mediation." Visit for more information. May 22, 2014 at 6:00 PM – May 23, 2014 at 8:00 PM The Mansion3000 Main StreetVoorhees, NJ