MMWR partner, Christopher D’Angelo, Contributing Author to Il Contenzioso di Massa in Italia, in Europa e nel Mondo (Mass Litigation in Italy, Europe and the World)
March 23, 2009
Types : In the News
Christopher Scott D’Angelo was a contributing author to Il Contenzioso di Massa in Italia, in Europa e nel Mondo (Mass Litigation in Italy, Europe and the World) (Guiffre Editore, 2008), having authored the Chapter, Stati Uniti d’America, or Class Actions in the United States of America.
Mr. D’Angelo is a partner in the Litigation Department at Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoads, LLP and is Chairman of its Products Liability & Mass Torts Section and Vice Chairman of its Sports, Entertainment & Amusements Law Practice. His practice emphasizes litigation and preventive counseling in the fields of business and business torts, intellectual property, class actions, and products liability, including in his role as national counsel for several major U.S. clients and his representation of foreign concerns in the United States and United States concerns abroad. Mr. D’Angelo is a member of The American Law Institute and a number of its Members Consultative Groups; the International Association of Defense Counsel (where he is on the Faculty of its Corporate Counsel College and its International Corporate Counsel College, recently served on its Board of Directors, has served as Chairman of its Business Litigation Committee, Vice Chairman of its International Committee, and as a member of the Faculty of its Trial Academy); the Product Liability Advisory Council (where he served on its Executive Committee and currently serves on its Bylaws Committee), the Defense Research Institute (where he served on the Steering Committee for the Second and Third Joint International Conferences and as Co-Chairman of its European Corporate Outreach Committee), the International Bar Association, the Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel (where he serves on its Corporate Counsel Symposium), and the Philadelphia Association of Defense Counsel. He is a member of the American, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bar Associations.
Mr. D’Angelo is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in the World, and in The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers and The International Who’s Who of Product Liability Lawyers.
Mr. D’Angelo is a frequent speaker and author on a range of law-related matters. His presentations have involved such topics as products liability and business litigation, multi-national litigation, privacy issues, information and documents management, and issues involving the internet and the use of the internet in litigation and investigations. Mr. D’Angelo received both his B.A. with distinction and with Honors in History (1975) and his J.D. (1978) from the University of Virginia.